Ever since I was forced to wake up one hour earlier for Daylight Saving Time, I wander like a zombie in need of a nap. I snooze my alarm multiple times before I finally get going. I have less time in the morning, so I spend less time with God. Skimping on my time with God, worsens my tired mood. Things that I would normally blow off annoy me. Matthew 11:28 is, “…Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2015). God wants to give me rest. He doesRead More →

Life happens and things work out differently from how I want. Sometimes, I can trust God and believe He will make something good come from pain. I find it easier to turn the “big deals” of life over to God. Small issues throw me off track. Traffic I had not planned on makes me late. I cannot find the bill I put in a special place. I get tired, and don’t want to do what God has called me to do. Exodus 15:2 is, “The Lord is my strength and my song; he has given me victory. This is my God and I will praiseRead More →

I once fasted from just one food item I loved, like candy, for Lent. However, I quickly found something else to eat instead of candy. When I put more effort into my fasting, I noticed weight loss because I ate less. As I matured in faith, I understood that fasting was more than giving something up. True fasting is giving something up to draw closer to God. Last year, I realized my speech was my hurtful to God. I fasted from gossip and saw I needed to use my words to build others up. Eating clean for me is easier when I don’t snack. SoRead More →