When I mess up, I feel like I disappoint God.  I sometimes wondered if He would leave me for continuing to fail.  I realized that He loves me enough to stay with me at my worst.  After all these years, I had thought I finally “got it” to where I would never overeat again.  For the last three months, I have eaten less, only eating what my body needs. However, food is drawing me back.  Stress and fatigue are not “excuses”.  I have more of both these days and turned to food for comfort instead of God.  I need Him more because my will isRead More →

In the past, I tried to do everything on my own.  I was unable to finish and felt stressed and exhausted.  I survived this past week of frantic busyness.  With God’s help, I managed to complete what I needed to.  Seeing God’s hand at work gave me the will to go on.  He calmed my spirit and gave me strength to continue.  Some of the stuff God showed me could wait was pushed aside. Deuteronomy 31:6 is, “Be strong and courageous.  Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes before you; he will never leave you or forsake you.”Read More →

I used to dread uncertainty. I assumed the worst possible thing would happen instead of waiting to see how it turned out. Even when I prayed, I kept worrying and did not believe God would do what I thought was best.  The stress and fear drove me to food. Not only did I slip, but I was anxious without God to guide me. Isaiah 42:16 is, “I will lead the blind by ways they have not known, along unfamiliar paths I will guide them; I will turn darkness into light before them and make the rough places smooth.  These are the things I will do; IRead More →

I never thought of myself as a control freak.  Secretly, I laughed at others who tried to manage everything. I knew that God ran the universe, so I surrendered most of my major problems to Him.  I refused to let go of what I wanted “my way”.  I felt I was capable enough to manage minor issues on my own.  I was stressed from holding onto control.  My fear was that God would not give me what I wanted. Romans 8:28 is, “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according toRead More →