God created food for us to enjoy.  For many years, I forced myself to eat vegetables and other healthy foods.  I craved sweets, hamburgers, and tacos, but avoided them.  When I indulged on cheat day, I felt guilt and fought temptation to continue eating.  I convinced myself sugar and fatty food did not agree with me.  Over the years, God reveled my problem was that I consumed too much food.  He commands me to only eat when I hungry and stop when full.  I learned to enjoy a variety of foods to satisfy my physical hunger. Isaiah 1:19 is, “If you are willing and obedient,Read More →

After suffering from slow and unreliable online service for years, we finally jumped into the fast lane of high speed internet.  Naturally, I have been exploring entertaining sites and actually doing work at home. Unfortunately, I have discovered the addictive nature of binge watching TV shows.  I must watch another episode to see what happens next.  Watching TV helps me unwind when I am exhausted from doing too much.  I know there is a time to relax and be entertained, but I was getting bored after watching several episodes from a series.  This boredom is a sign I need to get off the couch and do somethingRead More →

I don’t always know the best thing to do.  Pressure urges me to make a quick decision.  I know I should wait instead of continuing to hash through all my bad options.  In His time, God will provide me with either a better alternative or wisdom that makes one option the right one.   I want to know how to fix this mess I find myself in right now. Psalm 62:5 is, “Let all that I am wait quietly before God, for my hope is in him.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007).  The hardest part of waiting is surrendering control of the situation.  I want toRead More →

I am not perfect.  I manage to string together days and even weeks of clean eating.  Eventually, I slip and eat too much.  My stomach aches from being too full and my heart hurts because I messed up again.  I am disappointed in myself because I want to finally get this and never fail again.  I am grateful God takes me back, no matter how many times I fall. God is showing me I will progress towards perfection throughout my lifetime.  Matthew 5:38 is, “But you are to be perfect, even as your Father in heaven is perfect.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007). God is theRead More →