I hate losing arguments.  I like being right and want others to agree with me.  As I got older, I realized I am sometimes wrong.  It no longer offends me when others don’t like my suggestions.  I have matured, but I still like getting my way. Luke 9:23 is, “Then he said to the crowd, ‘If any of you wants to be my follower, you must give up your own way, take up your cross daily, and follow me.’”  (Holy Bible New Living Translation, 2007, emphasis added).  God is the only one who is right all the time.  It is foolish for me to think I haveRead More →

I am completely exhausted.  It is the end of the school year, need I explain more?  Fatigue usually triggers me to overeat.  I normally gain a few pounds during the rush to finish the school year.  This week, my eating was better than in the past, but not perfect.  God has changed my heart so I quickly realized I was eating because I was tired, not hungry.  He helped me to set down the food and run to Him for relief. Matthew 11:28 is, “Then Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.’”Read More →

I read my Bible regularly.  I also try and listen to what God says to me.  This brings me peace and shows me steps I need to take.  But, reading is not enough.  I must do what His Word says.  Instead, I sometimes choose to do the opposite.  I feel I should give a random stranger a word of encouragement, but don’t want to be embarrassed.  Other times, I get sucked into gossip or laugh when others are made fun of.  People who might never read a Bible see me as an example of Christ.  When I fail to convey Him with my actions, I fail.  I don’tRead More →

God’s will is occasionally crystal clear to me.  More often, I sit in uncertainly.  All my options can look the same.  Other times, I get overwhelmed weighing the positives and negatives of both possibilities.  I have been know to seek other’s opinions and sometimes base decisions on what another person thinks is best.  I get tempted to rush into selecting the choice that appears to be best. God has taught me to wait and pray for direction. Psalm 27:14 is, “Wait patiently for the Lord.  Be brave and courageous.  Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 2007).  When I am stuck withRead More →

I have a “love hate” relationship with sugar.  I love the taste, but hate the calories.  Too much sugar makes my stomach ache and breath smell like rotten candy.  I used to stuff my body with gobs of sweets.  Once I started eating sugar, I was powerless to stop.  I was overweight and frequently got sick. So, I went “cold turkey” and quit eating foods with added sugar. I felt healthier, but missed something.  After a while, I turned to sugar free versions that never fully satisfied.  I did lose excess pounds, but missed my treats. This deprivation increased my lust for food.  I refusedRead More →