I am reading the Easter story and meditating on what Jesus has saved me from.  He died to pay for my sins so I can live. Before, I felt guilty for my past mistakes.  This guilt beat me down.  I felt hopeless, like I was a failure that should give up. Luke 24:5-6 is, “…Jesus said, “It is finished.”  With that, he bowed and gave up his spirit.”  (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011).  Jesus was the final sacrifice for all sin.  I live free from guilt because Jesus died for me.  His forgiveness wipes away my sin.  He gives me strength to clean up messes that my sin leftRead More →

I am currently reading the Easter story in my Bible.  I am touched by the fact that Jesus sacrificed His earthly life for me.  In the past, I have given up candy, cookies, or soda for Lent.  This token sacrifice has done little to bring me closer to God.  This year I am fasting from gossip.  It is much harder than not eating a food I know I can enjoy after Easter.  I have not been perfect, but have tried to be positive about others instead of tearing them down.  I know I do not want to start talking bad about others again. Gossip isRead More →

I love candy, cookies, pies, and gooey desserts. In the past, I could not stop at just one.  Instead,, I continued eating until the bag was empty.  Since sweets were to blame for my overeating, I eliminated sugar and fat from my diet for 5 years.  After depriving myself of sweets, I found healthy substitutes for foods I once enjoyed.  These alternatives did not satisfy me.  I once devoured an entire diet cheesecake in one sitting. One day God showed me I could learn to enjoy sugary foods in moderation.  I enjoyed what I had missed for 5 long years.  Psalm 24:13 is, “Do you likeRead More →

My heart was once in love with food.  I began my day planning meals and dreaming of sweets.  Meal planning turned into lusting after my favorite foods.  After a meal, I patiently waited for the next one.  As the day went on, I constantly ate, snacking between meals and grazing as I prepared dinner.  My mind continuously focused on food.  Even in church, I dreamed of what I could eat for lunch instead of listening to what God was saying to me. Jeremiah 31:3 is, “Long ago the Lord said to Israel: ‘I have loved you, my people with an everlasting love.  With unfailing love IRead More →