Food was once my comfort and hope. I grabbed chips to ease stress and gobbled cookies to stuff anger.  Happier times were a reason to indulge, because food was the answer to everything.  Before God changed my heart and thinking about food, my life was centered around food. It has been difficult to let go of food as my comfort.  Sometimes I am tempted to reach for cookies instead of praying.  After a challenging day, I opened a bag of potato chips to snack on while I cooked dinner.  Stuffing chips down my body did nothing to calm my stress.  Deuteronomy 31:8 is, “The LordRead More →

Happy Thanksgiving Day! One day is not enough to give thanks for all God has done. Expressing thanks is easy when good things happen.  The challenge for me is being thankful when bad things happen.  I have grown closer to the Lord each time I faced difficulty.  When I am forced to trust in God, my faith grows.  Bad times force me to develop my intimacy with God. I would hate to face tough times without God on my side.  Isaiah 41:10 is, “Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.  Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996,Read More →

I can easily lose 5 to 10 pounds, just enough for me to notice a difference.  Then, I quit losing and start gaining weight back. Deep down, I want to take it easy once my clothes get loose. I gradually start eating larger portions and snacking, even if I am not hungry. Before I know it, I have slipped to the point my eating in no longer in control.  Recently, I have been on a steady path of continuing to eat less.  God is guiding me along this straight path.  He shows me I need to keep focused on Him and not drift away. HebrewsRead More →

There are times I wonder why I am spending time writing this blog.  I know God wants me to put these posts on the internet, so I keep going.  Some days I eat only food my body needs and think I have completely kicked my food obsession.  Other days I lose sight of God and eat everything in sight.  Even though I have slipped at times, God has changed my heart so I quickly see my error. Before I started this blog, I had written a book detailing how God has helped me end my obsessive eating.  This book has sat for almost 3 yearsRead More →

November brings the 30 days of thankfulness challenge on social media.  Every day, people are challenged to post one thing they are thankful for.  I have never taken this challenge or tried to name 30 different things I am thankful for. Sometimes I got caught in the spirit of thankfulness, and occasionally posted something I was thankful for throughout the month.  Deep down, I know I am blessed with family, friends, and enough of everything else to live. God has given and will continue to give me everything I need.  Psalm 109:30 is, “But I will give repeated thanks to the Lord, praising him toRead More →