Anytime I completely eliminate specific foods like sugar, I count days until I can enjoy it again.  I dream about what I am missing while I substitute something else to quench this craving.  Even though I lose weight, I gain it back quickly once I end my elimination diet.  I realized recently that I am eating too much sugar.  When I eat unhealthy foods like candy and potato chips all day, I feel bad.  I am grateful God reveals things to me that I need to work on. When I first cried out to God for help with my weight, He showed me the answerRead More →

Problems and issues from everyday living wear me down.  Minor concerns add up and drag me down.  As I have got older and aware of danger, I worry more than I did when I was younger.  I want to be prepared if the worst possible thing happens.  However, I get stressed over something that may never come to pass.  I want to have future plans mapped out so I know what to expect.  Anytime I focus on negatives, I create emotional distress.  I need to lean on God and let Him carry me. Isaiah 46:4 is, “I will be your God throughout your lifetime – until yourRead More →

Every time I mess up, I tell myself I am a failure.  I get tired of continuing to fail, so I resolve to do better next time.   As I have grown closer to God, I understand I am imperfect and will mess up. It feels good to let go of shame and to stop worrying about being perfect.  My beliefs about food have greatly changed.  Food is to  nourish my body and not to soothe  stress.  My stomach has shrunk so I no longer can eat as much food as I once ate.  Last week, I put the box of candy down as soon asRead More →

God’s strength leads me through my life.  Without Him, I am unable to accomplish ordinary tasks.  God helps me let go of negative emotions like anger, greed, and jealousy.  I am a mess without His guidance. Negative thoughts pop into my mind.  My gut instinct is to nurture anger and fear.  I fight the urge to focus on the negative in my life and dwell on “what if” it gets worse.  As I have become older and more spiritually mature, I hate the way negative thoughts feel.  Not only do I feel the anger and anxiety, I know I am out of step with God’sRead More →