I know that broccoli and kale are both healthy food choices.  Fresh lean meats are “better for you” than fatty and processed protein sources.  Excess sugar and salt are also bad to consume.  I know all of this and have been aware of these diet truths for a long time.  Knowing about these “diet guidelines” has not made me skinny.  Instead, I focused more on what I ate.  I would fret when I picked up pizza because I was too tired to cook.  Other times I felt guilty for eating candy or potato chips.  I resolved to eat better, but deep down wanted to enjoy my favoriteRead More →

I get tired and frustrated sometimes.  In those moments, my discouraged heart tells me to quit.  This temptation encourages me to eat whatever I desire and fibs that I will never lose these last few pounds.  This urge to give up also spills over to my spiritual side, so I skimp on my time with God. 2 Corinthians 4:16 is, “That is why we never give up.  Through our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  God strengthens me so I have the courage to press on. When I am weak, I must remember to reachRead More →

This last week has been the most stressful one I have had in a long time.  For the past several weeks, I had a decent streak of not giving into overeating.  However, this past week, I had to remind myself to stop eating, because food does not relieve my stress.  I admit, I did give in to stress eating a few times this week.  The positive is that I immediately caught myself and stopped eating. On my own, there is no way I could stop eating excess food, especially when I am under stress.  God has taught me that eating does nothing to help my situation.  Psalm 119:102Read More →

Last week, I was surrounded by food at work.  Before, when food I enjoyed was available, I would take advantage and excessively fill up.  Now that my eyes are focused on God, I only eat food my body needs.  Although I ate more unhealthy than healthy foods the past week, I did not overeat.  I can no longer eat even one extra bite of food once my body is full.  As long as I keep my eyes focused on God, He gives me strength I need to pass up extra food. 2 Corinthians 4:18 is, “So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but onRead More →