“Doing the right thing” is a daily challenge for me.  I have to decide if I am going to do what my flesh desires, or be obedient to God.  I make daily decisions like how to behave when I get mad; stay clam and trust God, or react.  Deep down, I know God wants me to eat healthy and not be overweight.  I make choices throughout the day concerning food.  I chose to pass up a snack since I am not hungry.  I eat the vegetables my body is craving instead of junk food.  Without God’s help, I would eat when and what I feel likeRead More →

Deep down, I know God can be trusted in all areas of my life.  He continues to show me what I need to improve on and gives me the strength to do this.  However, when I get weary or things get tough, I am tempted to give up and lose faith.  It seems I will never lose these last 15 pounds.  After a week of eating fairly good, I look for weight loss, but still feel the same.  Deep down, I know it will take consistency to get rid of these last few pounds.  Instead of giving up, I am motivated to run to God. PsalmRead More →

I want to do everything that pleases the Lord.  I know overeating is detestable to Him, so I try to only eat food my body needs.  Unfortunately, I am human and fail many times.  After failing, I used to either continue doing the wrong thing or get overwhelmed by guilt.  I am learning to stop and immediately ask God for forgiveness.  This keeps a mistake from turning into a trip down the wrong path. Hebrews 8:12 is, “For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more”. (Holy Bible, New International Version, 2011). God forgives my wrongdoing, no longer holding it against me.  I amRead More →

In the past, I kept busy to avoid overeating.  Always doing stuff kept me from thinking about food, but did nothing to draw me closer to God.  I used busyness to fill empty spaces only God should fill.  Many old “diet tips” temporarily stopped my overeating, but did not address reasons behind why I ate too much.  It may be because I was tired, bored or stressed.  Ultimately, I overeat to fill needs only God can provide. Keeping busy eventually makes me tired so I need rest.  Matthew 11:28 is, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”Read More →