A little bit of sloppy eating turns into a struggle to get back on track.  Since I am aware of my triggers, I am careful when I am sick and during celebrations.  After this passes, my defenses go down and I find myself slipping. God nudges me so I stop eating and focus back on Him. I have tracked my eating for the month of January.  I started off sloppy even though I had a great December.  I got back on track, then got sick, but continued my streak of not overeating.   This week, I ate too much even though I had no “excuse”.  DuringRead More →

Deep down, I still desire to binge eat cookies and chips. For the past three months, my eating has been consistent, where I have fewer slips. I overeat not because I am tired or stressed.  I have a deep desire to overeat that will not go away.  Instead of removing it, God gives me His strength to draw on. As long as I keep my eyes focused on Him, I will stay on track. God wants me to lean on His strength instead of my own.  2 Corinthians 12:9 is, “…’My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness.’  So now IRead More →

Without God in my life, I am powerless over food.  I have tried for many years to eat healthy on my own and failed miserably.  Trying to diet and avoid fattening food only made me feel guilty that I could not control my food intake.  Little by little, I have surrendered my food issues over to God.  I took forever to realize I don’t have to do it alone.  I can trust in God, rest in Him, and lean on Him for strength to quit overeating for good. Colossians 2:13 is, “You were dead because of your sins and because your sinful nature was not yet cutRead More →

In the past, I shoved food down my throat without tasting it.  My goal was to binge or eat as much food as I could.  No matter how much I ate, I wanted more and kept eating.  Most of the time, I continued to eat until the food was gone or I felt as bloated as a whale.  I was ashamed that I had overindulged again. Isaiah 55:2 is, “Why spend your money on food that does not give you strength?  Why pay for food that does no good?  Listen to me, (God) and you will eat what is good.  You will enjoy the finest food.”  (Holy Bible, NewRead More →

2106 was a great year for me.  Not only have I have grown closer to God than ever before, but I have gone almost a month without overeating.  Instead of reaching for food when my normal triggers hit, I turned to Him for strength.  Something amazing has happened;  I hate the effects of overeating.  Last week I did eat a few bites beyond full and felt miserable.  This helped me to get back on track the next day.  I admit, my food choices have not been the healthiest, but I am only eating amounts my body needs.  After eating small amounts of sweets, I don’t wantRead More →