On this day of thanks, I am thankful for problems and stresses.  When I face a trial, I have a choice. My first choice, getting mad, does nothing.  When I try to fix and resolve issues on my own, I end up with a bigger mess than I started with.  The better choice is to trust God.  He either helps my circumstances, or gives me strength and wisdom so I can make it through the storm.  I gain spiritual growth by depending on God to help me through trials.  My life is not perfect; it seems like I resolve a problem and rejoice, only to find a new dilemma onRead More →

November is social media’s “Thankful Challenge Month” where people are challenged to post one thing every day they are grateful for.  When I have done this, I started by telling the world I am thankful for the obvious; family, friends, health, and jobs.  As the 30 days went on, I was forced to find gratitude in minor details.  I saw God helping me with the small stuff of life. Without doing this challenge, I would have not seen just how much God is involved in everything. Even though I am not doing an official challenge this year, I still find something to praise Him for eachRead More →

For too long, I have turned to food for comfort.  I ate to stuff down my stress, anxiety, and fatigue.  After my plate was clean, I still felt pain, and continued to eat.  My stomach was stuffed to the point of discomfort, but my feelings still hurt. In addition to the stresses I tried to eat away, I had guilt reminding me I slipped again. Instead of food, God can actually comfort me.  Psalm 10:17 is, “Lord, you know the hopes of the helpless.  Surely, you will hear their cries and comfort them.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  Food can never comfort me likeRead More →