Halloween marks the beginning of the holiday eating season.  In past years, I started October by stocking up on Halloween candy and eating most of it.  I continued eating leftover candy, and even bought more candy after Halloween.   The candy was gone in time for all the Thanksgiving feasts, including desserts.  This year is already different, because God has changed my heart.  I do not want to overeat any more.   This is the first Halloween that I did not stock up on candy, only to eat most of it. As long as God is in control, I do not worry about overeating.  Romans 8:6Read More →

In the past, I was afraid to get hungry.  I snacked in between meals to avoid hunger.  When I dieted, I grazed on “free” foods throughout the day. Once God showed me that I could wait until my body was hungry to eat, I learned hunger was not as painful as I had thought.  He showed me when I depend on Him, He gives me strength. God recently showed me I had been eating more food than my body needs.  Through prayer, I realized it was partly stress eating.  However, most of my problem was that I was afraid to be hungry.  I had to remember GodRead More →

Sometimes I get an urge to cram as much food as I can in my body.  As this urge goes on, I tell myself I need “just one more”.  It is never enough. This compulsion to stuff food down my body drives me to continue eating, even after my stomach is stuffed.   This compulsion usually comes with a nagging feeling that something is wrong; I am stressed, tired, or worried.  No amount of food can soothe these feelings.  This is a mask for emptiness that only God can fill. I  need to stuff God in my heart when I have the compulsive feeling to stuffRead More →

I had a fairly good week staying on track. I did lean on God and worked to keep my connection with Him strong.  I caught myself about to eat when I was stressed and prayed instead.  God’s ways work to keep me from slipping. 2 Corinthians 10:4 is, “We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  The world tells me to resist temptation by staying away from it.  Other experts tell me to post pictures of me at my goal weight for motivation.  These worldlyRead More →

If worrying was an Olympic event, I would win gold.  Sometimes I concentrate on problems and plan “what if” situations that result in the worst possible ending.  I know that worry never solves the real issue. In my mind,  I am working to solve a problem, but in reality, I waste time when I worry. Philippians 4:6 is, “Don’t worry about anything; instead pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.” (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007). God commands me to pray instead of worrying. When I worry, I focus on the problem. I accomplish nothing. Many times,Read More →