Temptations creep into the corners of my life.  When I am closer to God, these attractions have little appeal for me. Busyness, fatigue, and stress, weaken me. I give in to temptation, “just this once”. When I give in once, it is harder to resist and easier to fall the next time.  After failing so many times, it is difficult to find restraint for the next temptation. I lose motivation and want to give up.  I get discouraged, and stop losing weight.  My clothes start to get tight. To get out of this rut, I must seek God. Hebrews 12:1-2 is, “…let us run with endurance theRead More →

I like the outdoors and stepping into nature. My fear of snakes and other wildlife keeps me from exploring forests and mountains.  I stick to trails that cut through parks and other nature centers.  My fear of being attacked by a snake (or another animal) keeps me on a path.  This not a perfect analogy, but just as a path keeps me safe, depending on God is like a path that guides me through life. However, I don’t always depend on God.  Instead, I want to do it all myself. If I depend on my own strength I am not depending on God.  2 Samuel 22:33-34Read More →

Negativity is a dark place my brain occasionally visits.  I am normally positive and look for God’s blessings around me.  I have tasted how good God is and notice He is not present when I focus on the negative. When I look only at what is wrong, I start to fret and complain.  I eventually feel hopeless and no longer feel good things He blesses me with. Dwelling on negative thoughts also drives me to overeat.  When I once lived in negativity,  gloom and doom felt normal.  Since God has changed me, negativity no longer feels right.  The cure for negative thinking is to focus backRead More →

My eating has been sloppy for the past few weeks.  Since school started, I am running all day.  I do not have time to cook, much less to plan healthy meals.  When I have too many tasks to complete, I get stressed.  Stress also keeps me up at night.  I admit, due to stress and fatigue, I ate more food that my body needed several times during the past few weeks. Luckily, I have not gained back enough weight to notice, but the truth is I need to get back on track.  I start by focusing my heart and attention back to Christ.  Isaiah 40:29Read More →