All my life, I thought it was a crime to throw food away.  Even when full, I continued to eat until my plate was clean. I never used hunger as a reason to eat or fullness as a reason to stop.  I was able to follow the “clean your plate rule”  without weight gain until my late teen years.  My metabolism started slowing down and I began eating to soothe emotions.  When I hit my mid twenties, I started eating out more frequently.  Since I usually finished larger restaurant portions, my weight passed the 200 pound mark for the first time. Psalm 145:15 is, “TheRead More →

My pastime was once finding excuses to overeat.  It is a birthday or holiday.  This was a bad day. I want something yummy to eat. There is cheesecake in the refrigerator calling my name. I am slowly learning I can never intentionally eat beyond the point of full.  I am free to enjoy all foods as long as I do not overeat. 2 Corinthians 12:9 is, “…’My grace is all you need.  My power works best in weakness.’  So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ can work through me.”  (Holy Bible, New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007).  GodRead More →

Eating less food and making better choices is becoming a habit. I am even starting to lose weight.  Then it hits:  I am exhausted and feel surrounded by stress.  I am on edge and want something ease my pain. Out of habit, I grab food to make it better. The difference is instead of blindly reaching for food, I now am aware of why I want to stuff my body with food.  One evening this past week, I was feeling stressed by uncertainty.  Needing make a decision, but not knowing all the details stressed me.  Instead of praying, I ate candy. After one bite, I caughtRead More →

Everyone knows that “healthy” foods are better and a key part of any weight loss plan.  Can junk foods, rich desserts, or high calorie foods be part of a healthy diet?  For many years I thought just one bite of dessert would lead to an uncontrollable binge.  I found nutritious substitutes that tasted like my favorite treats.  Eating these wholesome fakes did nothing to fix my warped desire for excess food. Ecclesiastes 9:7 is, “So go ahead.  Eat your food with joy, and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this!” (Holy Bible,New Living Translation, 1996, 2004, 2007)  I had misunderstood the conceptRead More →

This past week was crammed full of frantic activity.  I use summertime to catch up on tasks neglected during the school year.   In the midst of this hustle and bustle, something crazy happened.  I ate only food my body needed.  Last night, I even turned down dessert because I was full from dinner.  I realized that after consciously trying to eat less and make healthier choices, that eating right is becoming a habit. This is not the normal diet blog; I depend on God to help me make healthier choices.  I understand God will not completely take away my desire to overeat.  When I rely onRead More →