I like working out, enjoy Zumba and other fitness classes.  I have also ran/walked a few 5K races.  Fitness has not helped me lose weight permanently.  Many times, I overate after an intense workout and continued eating into the next day.  Since starting this blog about six months ago, I have lost 7 pounds.  God centered eating and accountability is taking my excess weight off, but I need to get moving. I have not worked out consistently in the six months of writing this blog.  I blame lack of time, since I also work full time.  Add taking care of a family, and my personalRead More →

I got bored last week. I was feeling sick, had the beginnings of a sinus/head cold and just wanted to rest. While resting, I ended watching TV and surfing social media sites. Unfortunately, I eat when I am bored and I also eat while watching TV. I should have opened my bible to fill this emptiness instead of doing my old habits. I am a busy person, and usually barely have time to sit and relax in the evening before I fall asleep. I sometimes complain that I have no time to read my bible or pray. Yet, I waste a lot of time inRead More →

My faith word is surrender for 2016. Faith words like “surrender” and “submit” are difficult for me.   I like being in control of everything in my life, including my food intake.  I want to eat when I want to, regardless of whether I am hungry or not.  I want to eat sweets after each meal, even if I am full.  Surrender also includes letting go of emotions instead of hanging on hurt feelings.  Surrender is giving up control and choosing to follow God. James 4:8 is, “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.  Cleanse your hands, you sinners; and purifyRead More →

In the past, I started every New Year with resolutions. Since I felt fat even when at normal weight, losing weight was the number one resolution on my list. New Year’s Day is on a Friday this year, so many people will wait to start diet resolutions on Monday, January 4. I will start my resolution today instead of waiting. This year, I resolve to let God make me over in His image. I do this as I become obedient to His way of life instead of grabbing the last cookie in the house. 2 Corinthians 5:17 is, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he isRead More →