Once, I ate until all the food was gone from my plate.  My focus is now on God instead of food, and the food is not as important as it once was.  I have learned to enjoy each bite and am satisfied with less.  Now that I am listening to God and eating only what my body needs, I am usually full before my plate is clean. God does not want me to obsess over leftovers.  John 6:27 is, “But don’t be so concerned about perishable things like food.   Spend your energy seeking the eternal life that the Son of Man can give you.  For GodRead More →

Lately, I have been skidding down a road I do not want to be on.  I confess, I have eaten too much in the evenings. Some nights, it is after 8:00 p.m. before I am able to eat dinner and I eat too fast.  Other nights, I am so exhausted that I blindly stuff food into my mouth, when I am no longer hungry. Most days, I only eat what I should for breakfast and lunch, but overeat later in the day.  I have not gained weight yet, but I my weight loss has plateaued. I know what I need to do, so now I must doRead More →

God has delivered me from destructive eating habits, but I am still not perfect.  Last night, I thought I was hungry and had a bedtime snack.  I broke my streak of not eating after dinner for three weeks. The positive is that this snack was just one Pop Tart and about four ounces of yogurt.  The negative is this is extra food my body did not need.  This morning my stomach feels sour and is rumbling, trying to process this excess. I have several choices about what to do next. I can try and justify my slip and tell myself I am so much betterRead More →

I have difficulty forgiving others when the hurt is painful.  It is hard to let go of my pride and admit I am wrong. I like hanging on to hurt feelings so I can throw a pity party. The pain from past situations has faded over the years and I can’t believe some things bothered me.  I feel sometimes as if I have mastered to act of forgiveness, and then someone offends me again.  I let the pride over “how can they be that dumb to do this” and hurt over “how can they be this mean” come into my brain.  Once the emotions getRead More →