Fear causes stress, disrupts my sleep and pushes me to overeat. The anxiety of not knowing how a situation will turn out, leads me to imagine the worst possible outcome.  Instead of helping me feel better, this usually makes me worry more.  In the grip of emotional distress, I hit the pantry or refrigerator for something to ease my pain.  The truth is overeating salty snacks does nothing to calm my fear, but instead gives me stomach pain.  Instead of eating, I need to turn to God to help me face my fear. Most of my fears are only exist because of my imagination. My mostRead More →

God created people to fellowship with Him.  He created me with an empty space in my heart that only He can fill.  In vain, I have spent my life trying to stuff this space with food.  Even though I know food will not cure the problem, I continue overeating as a solution.  When I realize I have fallen, I am embarrassed because I chose food over God. After I slip and overeat, I want to hide from God as Adam and Eve did in Genesis 3:8.  Deep down, I know I have not fallen too far to never come back.  I also know I need toRead More →

I was once bound by the chains of food addiction.  Food was my stronghold, my source of comfort, and solution for my problems.   I called myself a Christian, but actually loved food more than God.  I loved food so much that it became my idol.  Since I ate more food than my body needed, I was overweight.  I tried diets, but was unable to permanently keep the weight off.  Even when dieting I overate, eating excess “healthy” foods like flavored rice cakes and baked chips. Food did not make me happy like I thought it would.  I was miserable and eventually cried out to God forRead More →

Vacations and holidays are a time to overeat, or so most people think.  After all, when on vacation, we indulge in relaxation and rest.  Indulging in food seems like a natural part of being on a vacation. Vacations are break from reality and day to day stress, but I should never take a vacation from obedience. I am talking about obedience to God instead of obedience to the diet.  Being on a diet and being on vacation do not go together.  The one time I went on a cruise, I packed larger clothes that I needed on the last days.  Most people see vacations as the time to takeRead More →